Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2405 of /home/bimcom/public_html/includes/


Description: Elastomeric waterproofing membrane  with high performances for objects special needs, produced from high-quality bitumen mass, enriched with elastomers (SBS), reinforced with pad of fiberglass and protected on both sides with polyethylene burn-off film
Produced according: MKS EN 13969 and MKS EN 13707
Roll - length/width: 10 м²  (10m x 1m .) 
Thickness: 5,0 ± 0,1 mm
Flexibility at low temperature: ≤ - 25 ˚C
Resistance to high temperature: ≥ + 110 ˚C
Tensile strength – longitudinal/transversal:

≥  400/300 ( N/50mm)

Elongation at break - longitudinal/transversal: 4≥ 2/2 %
Use: Used for water protection in underground parts of buildings and for waterproofing of flat roofs
Application: The membrane is applying by torching with 10 cm overlaps.