Error message

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Description: primer for waterproofing based on bitumen and solvents
Produced according: MKS U.M3.240
Packing: Plastic containers from 4.5 and 9.0 kg and tin barrels
Relative specific gravity: ≥ 0.9 g/cm2
Flash point in Markus ≥ 35 ˚C
Temperature range: from ≤ +4 °C to ≥ +70 °C
Purpose: coating the surface before applying of the bituminous waterproofing membranes, pastes or masses.It serves for better penetration into the surface, also removing the dust from surface
Application: in a cold method, by coating with a brush or by spraying
Consumption: for concrete 300-450 g/m2 , for metal 200-250 g/m2