Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2405 of /home/bimcom/public_html/includes/


Description: Elastomeric waterproofing membrane  for leveling layer of steam  pressure and vapour barrier, produced from  high quality bitumen mass, enriched with elastomers (SBS), reinforced with pad of aluminium foil. On the top is protected,with polyethylene burn-off  film, and on the lower side with granules  of sand/styrofoam
Produced according: MKS EN 13970
Roll - length/width: 10 м²  (10m x 1m
Masa: 4,0 ± 0,2 kg/m²
Flexibility at low temperature: ≤ - 15 ˚C
Resistance to high temperature: ≥ + 110 ˚C
Tensile strength – longitudinal/transversal:

≥  200/200  ( N/50mm)

Elongation at break - longitudinal/transversal: ≥  3/3 %
Use: Used for leveling layer of steam  pressure and vapour barrier in waterproofing flat roofs
Application: The membrane is laying down on the side with granules and  torching the overlaps.