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BMC – S (Bituminous mass for corrosion protection of metal piping)

Description: homogeneous mixture of oxidized bitumen and mineral filler in the solid state
Produced according: MKS U.M3.244
Packing: molds
Content of bitumen: ≥ 60%
Content of the filler: ≤ 40%
Consistency at high temperature +70˚C; 20h; 5mm: ≤ 6mm
Consistency of low temperature 0˚C; bead drop of 2 m height: does not crackle
Deposition in a heated condition at 180°C: ≤ 5 %
Purpose: for corrosion protection of underground metallic pipelines, pipelines, tanks, reservoirs, etc..
Application: in a hot method, with special equipment for this purpose, and also a brush in one or more layers